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Pastor's Weekly Update: Sunday, April 23rd
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I keep forgetting to include my final Lenten confession count: 509 confessions. Other than a penance...

Making All Things New: Sermon for the Second Sunday of Easter (April 16, 2023)
The season of Easter is rich in beautiful symbolism. After the visual austerity of Lent, in which there were no decorations in the...

Pastor's Weekly Update: Sunday, April 16th
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Our celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection continues today with this Sunday within the Octave of...

God's Answer to the Problem of Death
“For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.” The Resurrection is a mystery that requires faith....

Where the Cross and the Supper are One (Sermon for Maundy Thursday)
“Jesus knew that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father. He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end …...
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