Family and Marriage Support (FAMS)
Marriage and Family formation means establishing a pathway through every stage in the development of marriages and families that leads to a relationship with Jesus and growth in virtue to live the mission of discipleship in family life.
The Family and Marriage Support Group is a group of parishioners working on Priority One in the parish priority plan.

Priority One Goals
Our goal is to support marriages through marriage preparation and accompaniment. We help facilitate mentorship for engaged and already-married couples as well as small group married accompaniment.
Our goal is to provide families best resources on the best practices to guide you and your children through the challenges of technology and our culture.
The FAMS group has support for the couples of St. Johns who are engaged to be married or who are already married.

Marriage Preparation Mentorship Program
The marriage preparation works with engaged couples to build a foundation in Christ for their upcoming marriage.
​Engaged couples are partnered with mentors as they follow a 5-part video series from FORMED. The program looks at God's plan for marriage and how we can cooperate with His grace to build our relationships into what He wants them to become.
If you're interested in marriage preparation classes please contact Johnny Evangelista at​
Marriage Accompaniment Mentorship
Are you looking to bring your marriage closer to God's plan by meeting with one of our mentor couples? Or, perhaps, are you and your spouse open to helping other couples strengthen their marriages in Christ?
Our marriage accompaniment program is an opportunity for couples who desire to form friendships with other Catholic couples and join in faith and fellowship to talk about how marriage looks in a real-life context.
​If you are interested in meeting with a mentor couple or being a mentor couple, please contact Amanda Woodiel at
Cultural and Technological Challenges
Our society is at odds with God's plan in many ways. This often manifests itself in our culture and comes into our lives through technology. The FAMS group wants to provide you with resources and strategies to help you respond to the challenges these topics present to you as a parent. We are working with the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend to share these resources and bring speakers to share their techniques with you.
Look for free print materials in the north vestibule of the church. Here you will find books that address many common challenges to marriage and parenting. Take one, read it, and pass it on!
Diocesan Marriage and Family Ministry Support
Engagement, Marriage and Family Resources
A curated list of family and marriage resources from the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocesan office of Marriage and Family life. This list has links to resources for all aspects of family life: discerning marriage, marriage enrichment, addiction recovery, infertility issues, help for grandparents, and more.
One of the best ways to combat cultural and technological challenges to a virtuous family life is to build your family culture to be oriented toward what is good, true, and beautiful. One of the best ways to do this is to meet other people and families with similar values. There are many opportunities to build community at St. John’s. Invest some of your family’s time in these and see how it can transform your family!
​Apostolates that help to build a family culture of discipleship
For women:
Kingdom Builders
Women’s group that meets monthly on either a Monday or Tuesday evening for Adoration and faith formation.
Moms’ group
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings for fellowship and to learn how to live out the faith at home through focusing on the liturgical year and the saints.
For men:
Rekindle the Fire
Men’s group that meets in the evening of the third Tuesday of each month for fellowship and faith formation.
Men’s group that meets in the evening of the third Monday of the month for a meal, prayer, and brotherhood.
Knights of Columbus
Men’s group that meets in the evening of the second Monday of the month for faith formation.
For youth:
Youth group
A weekly group for middle and high schoolers is being planned now! If you would like to help with this, contact Johnny at
GEMS/GEMS 2.0/Crusaders
Small groups for pre-teens and teens.
Young Adults
Young adult group/Companions/Mens’ group
These are opportunities for young adults to connect with each other and learn about their faith.
For the entire family:
Pizza and Parenting
Meets on the evening of the first Saturday January-April to share a meal, allow kids to play together, and give parents an opportunity to learn more about building an authentic Catholic culture in the home.
Barn Talks
Barn Talks is a parish-wide event to learn together, play together, pray together in a casual, fun setting. Meets once a month on the third Friday evening from June-October.
A weekly class on Wednesday evenings during the school year that covers tenets of the faith. All people aged high school or older are welcome to sit in!
Soul Food
Just had a baby and could use a meal? Reach out to Soul Food! The team will gladly provide few meals for you!
Walking with Moms in Need
Pregnant or mothering young children and don’t know how to get the help you need? Reach out to Walking with Moms in Need! They will point you to places that provide free or low-cost help for pregnant moms and moms of littles.
Holy Hour Prayer Team
Have a prayer request? Submit it anonymously through our website or email Someone will pray for you every day in front of the Blessed Sacrament.