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Pastor's Weekly Update: Sunday, February 27th
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Thank you to everyone who has turned in your commitment cards for our “Proclaiming His Truth, Hope,...

Sermon: A Place of Freedom (Sunday, February 27, 2022)
“The Lord became my protector. He brought me out to a place of freedom; he saved me because he delighted in me.” We stand today on the...

St. John School Open House 2022
Visit St. John the Evangelist Catholic School (pre-k - 6th) for our annual open house. Come find out how a Catholic education can...

Proclaiming His Truth, Hope, and Glory - Proclamando Su Verdad, Esperanza y Gloria
St. John's commitment program - Michael Mascola talks about the impact of St. John the Evangelist on his family. San Juan - Eduardo y...

Pastor's Weekly Update: Sunday, February 20th, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The theme for this year’s renewal of our sacrificial generosity comes from the purpose of parish as...

Pastor's Weekly Message: Sunday, February 13th, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We heard at Mass today about our annual renewal of our sacrificial giving commitments, which are so...

Sermon: Putting Out Into the Deep (Sunday, February 6th, 2022)
“What does this rabbi even know about fishing?” This question must have gone through Simon Peter’s head during the events of today’s...

Pastor's Weekly Update: Sunday, February 6, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Today we welcome Father John Herman for the 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Masses while Father Logan is away on a...

PREPARACIÓN PARA QUINCEAÑERAS: *Invitación para todas las jovencitas que están por celebrar su Quinceañera antes de Agosto 31, 2022...
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