Celebrating the Sacraments is the core of our faith as Catholics. Here we are initiated into the Christian life and we receive the graces necessary to answer the Lord’s calling for each one of us.
It is always a great joy to welcome new members of the Church through Baptism!
A young person over the age of seven desiring to be baptized should register for religious education classes.
To schedule your child’s baptism please contact the parish office. Please click here to download the "Guidelines for the Sacrament of Baptism."
For a schedule of confessions, click here. You may also schedule an appointment for confession by contacting one of the priests or the parish office at 574-533-3385.
If you are a young man, have you ever thought about serving the Church as a priest? If so, learn more at discernpriesthood.com or make an appointment to speak to one of our parish priests by calling the parish office 574-533-3385 or email Father Gregerson at frgregerson@stjohncatholic.com.
For a schedule of Masses, click here. If you or someone you know cannot make it to Mass and would like Holy Communion brought to them, please contact the parish office.
For First Holy Communion, please register for religious education classes.
St. John’s hosts many weddings throughout the year. Contact the parish office at least six months prior to your wedding to reserve a date and begin the process of preparing for the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Please click here to download the "Guidelines for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony."
The sacrament of Confirmation is normally conferred in the 8th grade.
To receive Confirmation, you may should register for religious education classes here.
If you or someone you know are gravely ill, please contact the parish office to arrange for a priest to anoint him or her. In the event of an emergency, you may also reach the parish priests after hours at 574-533-3385.
Adults who have not yet received the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) or who are interested in becoming Catholic are invited to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. You can find more information here.